Tuesday, 17 January 2012

first post for 2012...

17 days into the new year... not even considered "new" anymore, just the year we're in... I have been contemplating about starting off of the right foot, finding something spectacularly good to write about in my first post for 2012... something no-one could ever argue is not better than the best pair of shoes... and have not found it... no, it was not the warm New Year's Eve at home with some of my best friends here, not the sandy beach I walked on, not the bright hot sun in the middle of winter, not even enjoying a week of laziness, without worries and chores and errands to run... none of these seemed good enough... none of these felt "better than shoes"...

Was I expecting too much? Have I become too picky or blasé even?? Had I been ignoring my happy moments, have they really missed me? Is that what happened or indeed there has been nothing worth writing about? Nah... not possible! I kept saying to myslef that amazing things happen every day so in theory, I must have experienced 17 of them just this year! Or... maybe not...

Maybe, just maybe, there come times when good things do not happen... not that bad things find us necessarily or maybe just that one bad thing, namely being in a gloomy mood blinding us only as far as the good things go... dunno... and though it is not my preferred way of starting the year, this uncertainty that is, I will have to accept it and move on... move on with my life with the hope that my eyes will soon open and be able to spot the happiness no matter where it hides! And then, you bet I will be writing about it!