Friday 23 November 2012

my view...

... is better than shoes!! See for yourselves ;)

I did promise to keep you up-to-date about my quest to get rid of the mountains of boxes and have my home ready to live in it as soon as possible... So here, you are:

Thursday last week at 11:30 everything was in and Monday 17:30 everything was in place. I don't know if this is a record, I was not going for one, but it sure is quick :) I worked like a mad woman and this past Monday the place was done. Everything in place, pictures on the walls, my shoes neatly put in the closet (and yes, there is enough space to expand the collection...), storage all arranged nicely, flowers in the vase and a big smile on my face!

Was it worth the trouble? You bet! I can see the sea! Even if only for that, it would be worth it! I'm happy I took the decision to change house, I'm happy I chose this one and I'm happy that it is all done. I have already forgotten the effort, the tiredness, the back pain... I don't care anymore about the things that did not go according to the plan, after all it was just a plan and in any case these are the things that make funny stories to tell, not the ones that go as clockwork, right?

Thursday 15 November 2012

my new home...

... is better than shoes!!!!!!!!!!!

Granted, perhaps not at this moment, with about 60 odd boxes still closed and dropped all over the place, the incredible amount of dirt from the removal company people (man, I hope they don't read this but, goodness me, they are such such slobs!!..), my clothes and shoes still packed ( I have been wearing the same, filthy by now, outfit for the last 4 days and I am disgusted by myself... worse even, tomorrow morning I'm going out and I have to put on the same things as I am too exhausted to continue and unpack another pair of jeans and sweater...) and my indescribable back pain...

However, I have the whole city at my feet, I look out the glass balcony doors from the sofa where I'm seated and I see a sea of lights all the way to the beach, I have taken my first shower here and eaten my first meal, I have TV, phone and internet (thanks to the love of my life), my bed is made  and I feel happier than I can remember! And, "Pointless" starts on BBC1 in a while!! What more can I ask??!

It was the right choice to move, I feel better and better about it as it actual sinks in that I have really done it and I'm here and the worse part is over. So, what if I have another billion things to do? I will do them as I did the other billion things I have done so far, nothing scares me (except for boats... and cable carts... and snakes... and... ok, a lot of things but not this one!) and within a week it will all be ready! I promise! What the heck, next week I will report to you that all is done and I will even post a picture for you ;)

'till then ;)

Tuesday 6 November 2012

taking a break...

I have been super busy with the removal for weeks now (yes, that does explain why my last post was so long ago...) and I have been doing things I did not think I would be doing... For example, scrubbing the floor boards to get rid of tiny little spots of paint that got away and did not end up on the wall where they should have. Or, putting together my new chairs, they were supposed to come all ready, I thought... this sort of things. Surely I did expect the endless trips to IKEA and to the DIY store(s) I just did not think I would be driving, almost every time, my MINI loaded like a small track back home... and, which home??!! Sometimes the old one, sometimes the new one...

Yes, it has been hectic, stressful, tiring more than I can describe however, just yesterday, after the last lamps were hanged and connected and I cleaned up a bit, I started realizing that it is coming together for real! It was the first time that I thought that I might be on schedule after all, to have everything ready for next week's removal, and that my new home starts to look like I imagined it! And that put a great big smile on my face!

But no, it is not that which qualifies as "better than shoes" today, though if all goes well (fingers crossed) my new nest will be better than shoes on its own. No. Today's post is about taking break... which is what I did today. I went to work (I still have to work in the office obviously...) and then came home, put on sweatpants and crashed on the sofa in front of the TV. And that's exactly from where I'm writing this! It is raining outside, I am cosy and warm and I just stop running around like a maniac for a little while. Tomorrow, again, a lot to do but for today, I'm taking a break and it is marvelous!!