Thursday, 24 July 2014

we are going on a summer holiday...

Ok, last day and a half and then I take a break!

Truth is that this is the worst bit, right before the escape, no brain left to work, no energy to get off my bed in the morning even, brilliant weather here that makes everyone to just want to be out and about and do nothing really productive apart from drinking cold drinks and chat about how brilliant the weather is... Man, I love the summer! But it is indeed very difficult to concentrate on work... I mean, I try, I'm here, I'm in front of my computer but... I write this instead...

Ever since I was a kid the summer holidays were the best time of my year! One month by the sea, spending the morning on the beach, mothers shouting "come out of the water, your fingers are so pruned they look like actual prunes...." around lunchtime, then shower, lunch, the unavoidable nap (which always felt like such a waste of time but was a great idea because you don't really want to run outside with that sun on your head... you just don't know it because you're a kid...), then cold fruits in the afternoon and playing outside with my friends until it was time for dinner and more play afterwards on the beach until maybe midnight... and the "one ice cream per day" rule... Ah, good times...

And now, so close to taking my short (unfortunately... not a kid any more) break, almost unable to run this last mile of work obligations that I have to finish before leaving, I have exactly the same feeling of anticipation and excitement and joy as I had back then... Some things never change... thank goodness... ;) except the ice cream rule... now I'm an adult, I can have as many of those as I like!!

"we are going on a summer holiday... no more worries for a week or two"... ;)

Ps. I don't really need to say that it's better than shoes, right?!

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