Monday, 11 August 2014

surviving Monday...

...and its potential of being better than shoes if achieved:

Here I am, on a Monday afternoon, struggling to work and kinda managing (relax, I said kinda...), having slept very little and not being able to get over the fact that it is August, for goodness' sake, we should not be working in August, nobody should, we should all be resting, there are traditions, people... all this not having one chance to be found "better than shoes" when compared... all this being lame... to say the least...

But, as almost always in desperate moments like this one, I resort to my personal resources of positive thinking and self-conviction and I start imagining how incredibly great it will be after I have actually gone through the work misery of this Monday, I have managed to be as productive as the circumstances allow me (I'm not magician mind you..) and I have reached home, in one piece, ready to sink in the sofa pillows and let my mind have a break in front of the TV... (to answer your comments before they are phrased, no, I don't read for pleasure unless I'm on holidays... I read all day for a living you see... so, TV it is..)

Yep, that's what I have to do... convince myself that the working day is over, mentally transfer myself forward to about 6:20pm, when all the chores are done and I'm watching "Pointless" in my pyjamas with a cup of tea with honey and I know that I will not have to do much for another... oh, well, about 13 hours! Bliss! Now, one could claim that this method is slightly risky -professionally- since it sounds a lot like daydreaming which is known to diminish productivity...; and they could be right... 
but, man, whatever works... and if this works, just to get me though the day, it will be better than shoes ;)

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