Monday, 10 December 2007

red stiletto heels and hot chocolate...

"...yes, they're lovely but, darling, can you walk on them???"....
And is this question (or the answer to this question) important in the big scheme of things?... And if the question (and the respective answer) is important, is it so important to deserve to be asked every time one falls in love with a pair of Stella McCartney red stiletto heels?! No! Absolutely not! Because, ok, call me crazy, but even if presently it appears to be a bit difficult (nothing is impossible you see...) to actually manage to wear the shoes and walk the (what appears to be) miles between the sofa and the flat's door, perhaps, just perhaps in the not so distant future a miracle will take place and indeed, you will manage!!

And after that, the sky is the limit! You could even be able to go outside the house in them! And, yes, go dancing! Always wearing them!! And in any case, it's not like they will loose their value, they're all time classics, sort of like "Casablanca" or the Big Mac!! Moral of the story: get them! Even if they live in the closet, third shelf from the bottom, for the last 11 months like mine do... I know, I'm supposed to write about things that are better than shoes in this blog, but I figured this pair deserved to be mentioned since it's not being worn!

But going back to my main reason for this blog, this week's post is about hot chocolate!! And, yes, hot chocolate IS better than shoes! Was out in the city centre the other day, yes, even The Hague has a city centre (stop laughing...) and the weather was, again, shite, the rain was not exactly falling but more like floating and going with the wind, just making sure that even your well protected socks get soaking wet, and wanted to go shoe-shopping as one of my favourite shops had started with the sales. But, as the rain got stronger, I took shelter in a nearby café (which incidentally was inside a department store....) and as I was about to ask for the usual decaf cappuccino, I saw a 12-year-old girl leaving the counter with a huge glass cup of hot chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream on top!!!

Needless to say, that became my order! And, oh... bliss!! Cold, rainy, dark afternoon, totally wet and cranky and the moment I took the first sip... happiness! Sweet, warm, thick, full the chocolate and I stayed there, slowly drinking the, what seamed to be, gods' nectar and when I lit up a ciggy I completely forgot all about the shoes and the sales and all that and remained there in my little pink cloud, smiling....

I bet you wanna go get one, don't ya?? (hot chocolate or ciggy, you pick... or not ;)

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