Tuesday, 30 March 2010


is better than shoes...

Ok, admitedly this is a weird statement... even for me... I will try to explain... When I say "time" I mean time for me... for you, for anyone for that matter... Time that we can spend doing things for ourselves or just not do anything at all (as I love to do sometimes, just lay on my back and stare at the ceiling while thinking weird stuff like the fact that time is better than shoes... or even more weird ones that I will not share with you just now... perhaps when we know each other better...;)

Most of us have to work... and as my father used to say "work is not a good thing... if it were you would have to pay for it instead of being payed to do it"... We have to work as I said and that takes a lot of time, in theory one third of our lives but if you count the time it takes you to go to work and back and the time that you think and talk about work while being at home or out with your friends and the time that you can't sleep because of work related stress, hell, it really takes a big bite out of our life!! And there is often nothing we can do, we just keep working and hope for pay day so we can go and ease the pain (of a whole month...) with a new pair of platform sandals... or a play-station... if we happen to be men ;)

So time we have little of... Not only because life, and this is a truth universally acknowledged, is short to begin with, but also because while we're at it we are just not allowed a lot of time for us! Time is precious, valuable, rare... and in today's view "better than shoes"...

Personally I should not complain, I do have a job that allows me more personal time than most, but still, some days are hectic and full of things to do and time seams to fly away and at the end of those I feel drained and as if I did not have any time at all... though usually there are 24 hours in all of them... Not today! Because today I got home early and there was still light outside (yep, the days are indeed longer in case you did not notice... stuck in the office late, huh?...) and though there was nothing officially fun in my routine (which included doing laundry, dish washer set up, exercising, taking a shower, having a simple dinner and watching tele in between (that all until now that I'm writing this...) I really had a great time... simply because I had time!! ;)

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