Tuesday, 5 July 2011


...is a weird thing! As such, hence, it is not better than shoes... being weird and all... but, there is thing that comes with maturity which I think is marvelous! And that is the knowledge of how little control we have over almost everything in life and the power to still survive knowing it! Like, learning to keep our balance over trouble water, if you like...

When I was younger, so much younger than today (in the words of the legendary Beatles) I had these big ideas about control... I used to think that if I told people how I wanted to be treated, as a reward to my honesty they would just do it! That I would make their life easier by explaining what I wanted... I thought that I could control my life, where the wind blows me, what I do in every situation... Ah, youth... I could not have been further from the truth... which came to me along with the wrinkles around my eyes and the effects of gravity in my body...

The truth, dear readers, is that we have minimum or not at all control over practically everything, limited to what we say or do only, and that other people will just do what they can, say what the want and, well, basically that's it! Plans are made to be cancelled, statements are made to be taken back, commitments are to be broken and even if we never do any of these hideous things, others will! Because that's the best they can do! There is no point in judgement, it's human nature! And the only thing that can prepare us for when things go belly up is to expect it! Accept the probability of being let down, realize the fact that we have to learn to cope with the change, with the unexpected, with the uncontrolled! Ask, yes, in order to receive but do not think there is a rule which says that if you ask you will receive!

The only rules we can (more or less...) assure to be kept are the ones we impose to ourselves, in my view these being the steps to our freedom, and as for the rest, well, whatever! Learn to cope with limited control, that's the secret :) be mature! now that is better than shoes...

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