Tuesday, 1 November 2011

in Florence...

Have you ever been in a place so, so beautiful, so breathtakingly beautiful that you just gave up taking pictures because you simply realized there is no way on Earth you can ever capture its beauty... and so you just looked and looked and looked around and you hoped your memory will not fail you for the years to come and you will remain with the images in your mind?...

Well, for me, this place was Florence! I found myself there last week for work and after having spent 3 days stuck inside a hotel in the middle of nowhere attending a conference (for which I am not even going to comment as there was nothing, absolutely nothing better than shoes about it...) I finally escaped, moved to the centre of the city and for the next 51 hours (yes, that short I'm afraid...) I immersed into the Florentine atmosphere! And what an atmosphere that is!!! And under a warm sun on top of it, at the end of October no less!!

Where does one start to describe it... the city is a museum, everywhere, every building, every bridge, every church, every street, everything screams of art! Even if Renaissance is not your cup of tea, you cannot but admire it! Then, there is fashion! Florence is a fashionista's heaven! From the great Italian designers (Gucci and Ferragamo were both Florentines and with their own museums there nowadays...) to the little shops and the open markets and certainly the way locals dress (men and women), all is full of style! Yep, do no go there in your fleece and trekking shoes... hmmmm, do not go anywhere in those, come to think of it...

And then there is the food... I will never forget the chicken cooked in butter nor the juicy "bistecca alla Fiorentina" (T-bone steak Florentine style) or the pastas or the "gelato" (ice cream) or even the local cocktail, negroni, which is indeed a bit weird in the first sip but it is an acquired taste for sure... mmm, I already miss all that!!

Ah, no doubt, Florence is definitely better than shoes... better than Louboutin's "Sixtizette", my latest favourite... just make sure you take a good pair of walking ones (shoes that is...) with you when you get to visit, my feet are still killing me from all the walking there last weekend ;)

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