Saturday, 8 September 2012

Ms Muriel...

... is better than shoes!!! Better than Jimmy Choo's classic pumps!

Ok, so you feel lost because you don't know who Ms Muriel is... apparently you have been wasting your time in Twitter!!! Though I should be mad at all of you, I will let go and just introduce you to this amazing lady, Ms Muriel B. I have been following her tweets for quite some time and I find her incredible! She is 94 years young, she is a quilting, baking and internet enthusiast and without knowing it, given her about 20000 followers, she has made a difference in my life with her words of wisdom.

I decided to dedicate this post to her as a kind of a belated birthday gift to her and also to say "thank you" for all the times that reading her 140 characters late at night, when I usually check my Twitter, she has kept me company, has comforted me, has made me laugh and has made me cry, has made me think, has made me feel...

I am in a... well, lets just say tough point in my life for more reasons than I want to admit and yes I will refrain from sharing any details because I have made a promise never to be whining in this blog... but amidst the -metaphorical- thunder, the other night I check my Twitter and there she is, birthday lady Ms Muriel, writing "What I know: Things usually get worse, but then they ALWAYS get better. Just hang in. It's hard, but worth it." And there, right there, right that moment I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders! And I smiled :)

Thank you Ms Muriel!


Duffy said...

QuiltingMuriel has often cheered me up when I need it. She's a treasure, isn't she? Everyone on Twitter should be following her. EVERYONE.

Nina said...

Absolutely agree!!! And it feels even better to know we are many who treasure her!! ;)

@T said...

She is great, and I'm glad you introduced us. Duffy is right.