Friday, 15 November 2013

warm, November sun!

Sitting on my chair in the office, my back hurts like hell as apparently I did something wrong during my Pilates class last night (or last week... don't remember...), I had a migraine all night and slept miserably, I need to finish this case today otherwise I will be stressed all weekend and all in all, I should feel like s**t.... but, there's the thing, I don't!! I really don't!

Why? Because the warm, November sun is up in the sky and sends generously his brilliant rays through my window to warm up my back and my face and my heart! And I realise that it really takes very little for a person to have a moment of sheer bliss, a moment when all the bad is gone and forgotten and maybe, just maybe, we can believe it won't come back :) But even if the bad returns, this moment here, right now, is full of good! It's precious! And this is a moment of happiness!

I have been under the weather for some time and this has been reflected in the absence of any posts lately... I have promised that I will only write about good stuff in this blog and I will keep my promise, so be patient with me through my periods of silence and remember that I always recover and come back to you.

I am an optimist by nature and always looking out for anything that can put a smile on my face so that I can also share it with you and perhaps put a smile on your faces as well. Today's treat is the sun! So if the sun is shinning in your part of the world, enjoy it, absorb his healing powers and take a moment to appreciate life.

Isn't that "better than shoes"? Believe you me, it's better than my new Fendi sandals ;)

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