Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Jamaica, mon ;)

I have not kept it a secret that last year was... how may I put it nicely... nope, I can't put it nicely, it was bad! But the end of it was great, as you have already guessed if you read about my experiences while spending Christmas in Portugal. And, in the end, it is the end that matters... "all's well that ends well"!

But not only last year, the one that will always be known as "the crappy year", ended well (with a lovely gathering at my place with few but cherished closed friends and a lot of champagne) but the new year started amazingly! And you know it'll be amazing once you cross the Atlantic, leave the cold and the rain behind and head for where the sun shines and the sea is warm. This year's first destination: Jamaica!

What a beautiful place! I will not claim I saw much of it, no, I'm the kind of person that gets into the resort, puts on Havaianas and immediately ceases all activities other than reading, swimming, eating and drinking (ok, also dancing on occasion). But from the little I saw it is so pretty! The vegetation, hills, the bay, the warm, warm sea with the huge starfish and the cute crabs and the beautiful fish swimming next to you, the white sand, the food, the rum... oh my goodness, the rum! And reggae! I could not have enough of it! Calming, soothing, happy music that put a smile on my face!

Add to that the general attitude of "slow down, mon.. no problem, mon" and you have a recipe not only for wonderful vacations but a good start of a new year... That's right... That's the attitude... No problem, mon... Be all right... And all that, it is better than shoes, mon ;)

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