... is perhaps the most misunderstood phrase in the world of phrases! There is such a discrimination against it, it makes my heart ache! Having lived here in the north for ten years now and having been working in an International Organization which employs a lot of people from the north, I have faced many a time the raised eye brow and sad look that this phrase produces to them... I mean, I'm Greek, I grow up never having plans for the weekend and, especially in my Uni years, always being busy as a bee!! Though I have left my country for a long time, I still take pride to the fact that we do no use our agendas normally in order to go out with our friends... we just call them on the day and meet them!
So, yes, the weekend... I have passed the last three months (more or less) being away for almost every other weekend... And yes, I has affected my writing, I am not the type of person to keep blogging while being in a car doing 230Km/h and heading to Munich for the Oktoberfest (I promise to tell you the story...) so I have been rather quiet lately... And to tell you the truth I have enjoyed every one of my little escapes, may that be for the beer festival, a cousin's wedding, home to see my brother or whatever... But I am not that young anymore (although I am the only one allowed to say it!!!) and all this has taken its toll on me... I got tired!
That is why I adopt the little phrase from now on and for some time... No plans for the weekend and proud of it!! I will just spend my two free days without any specific schedule, I will just stay home, go to the cleaner's or the supermarket and watch films and stay in my pajamas or... not do any of these things!!! And I will embrace this state of freedom and I will defend the argument that not having plans for the weekend is better than shoes (and gives you time to go shopping for them...) until... well, until I change my mind and feel the buzz again and hope on a car or an airplane to get away for two days ;)
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