Friday 4 January 2013

my oven rocks!!!

Today's post, dear readers, is dedicated to my oven. I know, most of you are already clicking away from my blog because of that but for the rest who will keep on reading, and for being true to my promise that I will be writing about all the positive things that I encounter in my life in this blog, I will continue...

I have lived for 5 years in a house with no oven... I mean, I did have a poor excuse of a "combi" microwave/oven which was good in neither of these functions!! It would not work properly as a microwave (I normally used a small one I had extra) and it would certainly not work as an oven! It just would not cook the food!! To top it all up, it was so tiny I had to go and buy tiny pans to fit in it which of course would not even accommodate a meal for two... Nightmare... 5 years spent like this... Now, you have to bare in mind that I am Greek!! We love oven roasted food, meat and potatoes and pies and moussaka and baked desserts and so much more... hard... very hard 5 years I tell you...

And now in the new place, I have an oven... a great oven!!! Big and functioning and the type that makes delicious food only by choosing a program and it does the rest of the work! It warms up my bread and makes it so tasty and it cooks a roasted chicken I never had before and I look forward to baking in it and trying all my recipes and... oh, I know, I know this all sounds incredibly trivial but... what is happiness if not a series of happy moments and I have had a lot of them thanks to my oven lately!! And that is better than shoes and it deserves a post! ;)

PS. A very very happy new year to all of you!!


Anonymous said...

Happy new year, BTS -
I have been looking forward to reading your first post of the year, and it was lovely. If one cannot appreciate the possibility of making delicious food, there is something wrong, isn't there?

Nina said...

Exactly, dear @T ;)