Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Blogging is better than shoes!!!

When I started this blog, some 5 years ago, I never thought I would stick to it... I mean, I have had my share of drop-outs in my life and there was that gym membership I bought for a full year and then I only went once so I was secretly afraid that I would just give this up a few months down the road too... But I didn't! And I came to loving it so much! And it certainly isn't for the money it makes me -not a cent all this time- or the fame, I still remain mostly anonymous and I'm quite happy with this. No, this is not me cooking Julia Child's recipes and having thousands of hits everyday...

But what it is it's me sharing my life! Trying to focus on the positive things in my life and trying to make my small difference in this world by hopefully inspiring another person, yes, even if only one, perhaps helping another person or making them laugh or think or disagree with me or just keeping them company... It's not much but it is my little stone in helping build a more humane society and also my way of helping myself  from not becoming really depressed and bitter and disappointed of my life.

And every now and then I get a lovely comment here, some wishes, a thank you perhaps and it brightens my rainy days, it puts a smile on my face and it makes me feel I'm not alone, I'm not a lunatic blabbering about my oven or my trips or my thoughts... and for those moments I'm eternally grateful!! It's such a warm feeling I can not really describe... It's better than any red sole anyone could possibly own... Better than any pair of shoes, I guarantee you ;) 

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