Tuesday, 8 April 2014


I discovered very recently (and to my astonishment...) that I am not a commitment-phobe... so it is "only" boats and cable carts and roller coasters and various kinds of beasts and multi-legged creatures and food that is not completely dead and... oh, well, the list of things that freak me out is long but at least it does not comprise commitment! Phewwww...

Though I do demonstrate a certain... how do I put it... aversion for traditional commitments, such as marriage which is an excellent example, I on the other hand feel compelled to commit a lifetime to Pilates (another wonderful example). The former gives me a sense of sheer panic and the mere sound of it is repulsive and kinda does compare with boats and cable carts etc. whereas the latter fills my heart with joy and images of a future with me as an 80-year-old on the reformer are welcomed in my mind bringing a feeling of security and calmness...

So it is not the idea of doing something forever that scares the hell out of me, ergo not a commitment-phobe, but it's the idea of doing something I don't like for whatever period of time that sends cold sweat down my spine... I don't like the idea (to put it mildly...) of signing a contract to stay together forever with the man I love, I wish that we both feel good doing so everyday because we actually want to. But I love the idea of spending the rest of my years, hopefully many many of those, exercising with religious discipline in the only way that I actually like which is Pilates.

And yes, I would say that this kind of commitment is indeed better than shoes! Not to mention that after 3-and-a-half years of Pilates I have finally managed to shape up to wearing high heels far more often than I used to! Hurray! ;)


Anonymous said...

Why stop at 80? I'm going for 140 and hope you will still be around. @T

Nina said...

Challenge accepted!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Best news ever!@T