Tuesday, 12 January 2010

following a dream...

...is better than shoes no matter what type of shoes you are wearing doing it... usually a pair of sneakers...
No, I will not talk about myself in this post... I will talk about a boy who at the age of 17 declared his independence from the family (and society) constraints and stated that "all he wants to do is make music" and he went ahead and did it for the years that followed... And it has not been easy for him since, not at all... lots of frustration, lots of opposition (yes, opposition, what do you think, the average Greek mother wants to hear that her son is not to become a doctor or an engineer and, on top of it, will carry on his life holding a guitar??? pleeeeease...) lots of work (lots and lots and lots of it...), lots of compromise and sacrifice...  and a substantial amount of pain... those strained tendons do hurt... No, not easy... So, why did he continue then? Because, along with all the above came at the same time lots of joy, lots of pleasure and lots and lots of music!!

So, there he is, some 15 years later, still holding a guitar (and as it turns out also keyboards and drums and microphone...), still making music, still following his dream and making all of us around him dream along in the process... and yes, to me this is worth mentioning in this blog... because  having dreams and following them is not just better than shoes... it is better than all-time-classics Christian Louboutin silver python pumps with 50% discount!!! I know what I'm talking about... because not only I have been following this boy very closely and have seen the fulfillment he has enjoyed over the years but I have felt the joy he has been offering to the people who are close to him in doing so...

I am convinced the whole deal is worth it... though I'm one of those people still in search for a dream (ok, those Louboutins do not reeeeeeeeally count...) to follow... or perhaps waiting for a dream to find me, if we assume that a dream finds you and you don't find it... no matter what the case, I do strongly recommend having one and seeing it through... so, get out and follow yours dreams people :) and do not forget to enjoy the ride!

PS. The boy is my brother... and I'm as proud as can be for him!! Which, in its own, is also better than shoes!

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