Saturday, 28 August 2010

a positive outlook on life...

I have a very good friend back home... well, I have many and I consider myself privileged for that (I have already expressed how I feel about my friends in this blog, will not repeat...) but I just wanted to talk about this specific one: She is the one who taught me the importance and the benefit of having a positive outlook on life! She had not have it easy in her life, no sir... But she always manages to see the bright side (no Monty Python stuff...) on almost everything. She is not a saint nor a martyr and she is certainly not always happy but she helped me see that things are what they are, some we can change and some not, but how we look at things (and life...) is up to us! Entirely! And this is a marvelous thing!!! A "better than shoes" thing!

Surely it is easier to be sour... it is easier to have a nasty, bitchy, negative comment than a nice one... "yeah, sure she is young, tall and pretty but look at those ankles!!!" Ok, perhaps it is true that the goddess next door has chubby ankles but... who cares? Why feel the need to point that out?? Can't we just see her beauty, wherever that is, and stay in that? It is easy to be sarcastic and pissy and negative but what about just being positive? Surely we can disagree with people, but why be so insecure and childish as to try and ridicule their views? Surely we can tell a friend that she looks fat (and perhaps it is true that she gained a bit of weight lately...) but what do we gain?? Why not just say "you look great" and not as a fake, empty compliment but because she really looks great in out eyes! Because we see her as beautiful!! Because we choose to see her as beautiful!

And no, by this I do not mean to see it all roses!!! This would not be true, nobody likes everything and everyone! It is not possible to agree with everyone all the time! All I'm trying to say is that maintaining a positive outlook on life has the advantage of improving our life for real (no placebo effect...) and that sometimes it would be better not to say anything if we have nothing good to say... the world as it is is full of negativity anyway...

I have chosen to try to be positive... And this blog is a grand proof of my efforts!! I have promised to keep positive and I have not disappointed myself yet as  have managed NOT to pass to you all the bad (or just the annoying) stuff that has happened to me over the last two years... No, I do not manage to keep positive always... I, too, tend to whine and be grumpy and moody and complaining... In those moments though, I do make an effort to find the bright side of things... it is always there to be seen!And if you can't see it at first glance, look again ;) And if that fails, put on a pair of high heels and look at the world from a different angle :)

1 comment:

RayPlay said...

It is like you say: if you don't have anything positive to say don't say anything