Friday, 6 August 2010

walking by the water...

I have always associated my holidays with the water... Water of the blue sea where I would dive for hours and let only my feet show (and have them tanned always more than the rest of my body...) and and then carry marks from the mask all over my face for the rest of the day... Water icy cold that I would drink greedily after having played under the hot sun with my friends... Water melon, perfectly prepared from my mum, that I would devour in the afternoon, after the siesta... Water that would fill my eyes when the holidays were over and I had to say goodbye to my friends and promise to meet them at the same place next year...

In these last few years, more water features have been added to my list of favourites... walking by the water of the ocean for example... We got to know each other only very recently and it is true that we are not the best of friends yet (tooooo many sea weeds, to many waves... tooooo much of a wimp I am...) but walking next to it is one of the pleasures that I can not have enough of... And the rivers... No, I did not grow up next to one of them nor had many experiences of them as a kid but now that I got to know their beauty, and the usual beauty of the landscape around them, I am smitten for life!

During my recent holidays, one of things I enjoyed most, was (obvioulsy...) walking by the water... Stary sky, the city lights reflecting on the water mirror, the calmness of the view and the pleasant smell, things that put a smile on my face and made me think "...this, is better than shoes!"...
And you will know what I mean if you give it a try, go to the nearest body of water (no, the water boiller does not count...), take a long walk next to it and savour the experience... and if it is beach you find yourselves at, take your shoes off... you don't want sand all over them Alaïa sandals, do you??  :)

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