Friday, 7 October 2011

a few words of sorrow...

I didn't think that Steve Jobs' passing would affect me this way... I mean, I never knew the guy personally and I only got to buy a Mac when I moved here,  as my finances before I got my current job would not allow me to even buy a magazine where I could read about Macs... But, it only takes to get your hands on one "apple" to want more ;) For 8 years now I'm hooked, a genuine fan! And though I cannot tell for sure whether it is for their being so easy and reliable to use even when you do not know the last thing about computers and electronics in general or because they look so damn good, the fact remains: I love them!

So, when the news of his death hit me yesterday morning, at first I thought "that's really sad" and then I kinda moved on... but a few hours later, as the day progressed and I was reading more and more peoples' messages over his death and articles about him I got far more sad... it is sad for a great visionary to pass so early and though he has said that "death is the destination we all share" I just think that it 'd been great if he have reached the destination many years later... it is sad for a man who has been following his dreams for all his life to be stopped from this pursuit only at the age of 56... it is sad to lose a man who has inspired with his achievements so many people, knowing that most probably he had so much more to give...

Why am I writing this here? What's "better than shoes" in all this? You could say that leaving a life of pursuing our dreams, the way he did,  is better than shoes... mmm... no objection, in fact go browse my older posts and you will find my thoughts on the matter there... But the moral of today's story for me is a bit different... It's accepting the sadness, that's what's better than shoes... there come days when the only thing we feel is sorrow, when life hits us with bad news, with loss and death... we need to learn to accept the bad feelings too, don't discriminate against them, don't hide them under the rag and just wait to show only the good ones... do not feel embarrassed to just express those feelings... yes, I got sad the man died, didn't know him, was no friend of mine but I think his life had touched my life in a way and for this reason I felt the need to put in my fb status "RIP Steve Jobs..."

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