Friday, 30 September 2011

it's Friday...

... I'm in love, in the words of the great "Cure"... and also relieved!!!!

...what a hellish week!! 4 days of running like crazy, two of those with a migraine and no sleep in between (because of more migraine... "*รง%&/??=&) terribly busy with working, teaching, socialising (ok just a bit, in the context of a football game... btw we won, he he he :) cooking, shopping, exercising... phew... man, I run out of energy completely! I didn't even have time so far to enjoy the brilliant Indian summer we are in, with temperatures up high and a sun so bright like it hasn't been all summer!

But, hey, it's Friday!! Finally!! Not only it's the end of the week and two full days of fun (and great weather, who would believe!!) are ahead of us, not only the sun shines and I am wearing a t-shirt (yes, it is the end of September, I am aware of that ;), not only I have absolutely no plans for this weekend and am open to go to wherever the mood takes me, not only finally I had a nice breakfast at work with my usual group but also, to provide the perfect icing on my cake, a dear friend of mine is visiting The Hague and we are having dinner at one of my favourite restaurants tonight!!

Who could ask for more, really? My head does not ache any more, I had a great night of 9 hours of sleep, I suspect I will have lunch with my best friends here at work and afterwards there will only be a few hours of work before the fun starts!! No, I have no reason to complain nor will I be looking for one! Fridays are great, some of them are better than shoes and this definitely looks like it's gonna be one of them!! I wish you all have a good one too :) and, if you are in the NL, enjoy the sun, it looks like it is the last we get to see it before winter arrives ;)


JustAnother said...

Thank you dear for the fantastic company, food and evening. I had an amazing time!! (btw, my cigarrette box is a huge success everywhere!! Love it) Much much better than shoes!!

Nina said...

oh, you're welcome! literally!! :) you are always welcome here and it is always better than shoes to get together :) 'till next time, beijinhos