Friday, 2 September 2011

the sound of the sea...

I have always associated summer holidays with the sound of the sea. I have never been on a mountain for my summer break, neither will I ever chose to be... brrr... unnatural... For me summer holidays means a balcony with view to the sea, swimming, walking on the beach, reading a book in the shade (a book which by the end of the reading will be all stained by the oily sunblock, all dog-eared and with a bit of sand between its pages... ), a bit of sunburn, watermelon in the afternoon and ice cream, mosquito repellent and, surely, listening to the waves breaking on the shore...

I remember as if it were yesterday, though more than 25 years have passed, this feeling of calmness when my parents would have me take a siesta, during those late afternoon hours when the sun was burning, and I would stay silent on my bed, listening to the sea and reading Mickey Mouse until I would fall asleep and the comic book would fall out of my hands! Or, late at night, again the music of the sea would sneak in the room in the tiny apartment  we would rent for the holidays from the open balcony doors and keep me company until I fell asleep... Yes, holidays have always been abut the sound of the sea...

Things have changed little since... apart from the wrinkles on my face, that is... I came back from my summer break today... a proper summer break by the sea in the homeland... and though tired and a bit melancholic, as it could not be otherwise, I still carry in my ears the sounds of the waves as they were singing their lullaby to me every night for the last week, bringing back those childhood memories, keeping me company, soothing me... and I know that THAT was better than shoes! Absolutely!

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