Saturday, 29 December 2018

new beginnings...

...are better than shoes.

As we are approaching the end of this year and the new one is almost here, I felt that a post about new beginnings is due... What a year this has been! Personally... well... if I were to have kept a diary in 2018, it would have been a rather sad read... it has not been easy this year... but, I would be lying if I said there were no good moments in it! There were! Not just “good”, wonderful moments! It’s just that... overall... well let’s say I’m glad it’s about to leave us, although I do appreciate the generous amount of wisdom that was it’s gift... for wisdom is so often acquired along with a fair amount of pain...

So, a new year is knocking on our door and it means a new beginning and surely it comes with the hope that the new year will be better than the old one... you see, that’s how it works, in the beginning of the year we are full of hope that it will be full of laughter and love and health and marvellous experiences and as we approach the end of it, well... we know what has happened, either good or bad, and we may be filled with joy or, regrettably, sadness... however, whatever the year that’s about to end brought upon us, it does not retract from the hope that the next one will be better! Because we are humans and hope... dies last! And thank goodness it does! Because hope is what keeps us going!

A new beginning is close, the beginning of a new year, full of potential, and it is up to us to welcome it with open arms and with open hearts! Anything can happen and it is up to us to believe that “anything” will be good or bad... I choose to believe it is going to be good! I choose to hope! I choose to be kind and I choose to let go of all the bad and I choose to embrace this new beginning, to start fresh! I choose to put on my best smile and a new pair of shoes and welcome the new year together with my loved ones and to raise my glass of champagne (full disclosure... champagne is not my thing really but tradition calls for some bubbly...) and look at the fireworks and wish “happy new year” and mean it from the bottom of my heart! And, no matter what happens in 2019, I will do the same a year from now and I will always keep the hope that the best is yet to come!

Happy new year, everyone ☺️🍾πŸ₯‚ 

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