Saturday 4 December 2010

walking in the snow...

Well, I have written before about my love for the snow... how much I would miss it as a child and how envious I would get every time I watched snowy white Christmas films on TV! My Christmas usually would be sunny and warm! Admittedly, after I moved here in the north, I discovered another side of the snow, one that I never knew before... the ugly side... that which involves not being able to drive a car either because it is slippery or because you get stuck in a traffic jam or both,  or walk in the frozen sidewalk, the muddy snow which takes about 15' to clean up from your shoes before getting inside the house...

However ugly though this side is, I still love the view of the white scenery outside my windows! The beauty of it!! And there is the other thing about the snow... the silence!! Have you ever noticed how the world goes silent when it starts snowing?! It is so quiet, so calm, so peaceful! You can hardly hear any noise except for the sound of the snow cracking under your boots, if you are so mad (or blessed, or lucky or... you choose the adjective :) as to go walking outside!

This morning I did it... It started snowing, the big white flakes were dancing in the wind, the word went silent  and I got out to go to the supermarket! I know, it takes a fair amount of insanity to do this but hey, no harm done, I'm here, safe, with a fridge full of food and fresh bread, did not break anything and managed to have the memory of walking in the snow storm, not being able to see very well, meeting practically no one on the street and having this feeling of being in someplace I'd only experienced by books or films... it was very cool!!! It was better than shoes!

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