Wednesday, 1 December 2010

get a hobby...

...Well, I have always found excuses for not having a real hobby... it would either be that "I shop as a hobby" and "I loooove to discover great discounts on-line, it's my hobby" or I would just say that I don't have any time to have a hobby... What a load of crap! I mean, yes, I know that shopping can take a lot of time and it is pleasurable and kind of addictive but, let's be honest, it's not a real hobby!

On the other had, it is a very poor excuse to say that I don't have time for a hobby because of all the things that I have to do! I know I have to work to get money, I know I have to clean my house and wash my clothes, I know I have to work out to keep... well, not fat (thin, I would never even imagine...) I know all that... but these are things that I "have" to do! Not necessarily things I like to to do! And to name as "hobbies" only  a few things that are fun to do like seeing a film or reading a book or try on a pair of patent leather moccasins from Marc Jacobs (and even better, buying them!) is like hiding behind one's finger...

No, the truth is I never had a real hobby, hidden behind my excuses,  but now I do! And no, I will not try to convince you that it is the one for you... I could not convince myself that it is the one for me for many years! But now, I knit! Like crazy! And yes, I have mocked it, I have resisted it, I have ridiculed it and now I stand corrected in all my shame! It is lovely! It's better than shoes! It is, for me, the most relaxing thing ever, it is like the coolest meditation I have tried (plus you can actualy meditate while knitting anyway!!) which leaves you calm and zen and wearing a new, brilliant shawl! The possibilities are endless and there is nothing like putting on something that you made yourself, I guarantee you!

So, unless you are one of the wise ones who already knew it all along and forgot to share with the rest of us,  what are you waiting for!? Get a hobby! :)


Andorinha said...

OK, you are hired. Do me a scarf please? :) Thanks!
Oh, and by the way... I also knit and love it :) when I get back you can come to my place to knit with me if you wish :) Beijinhos!

JustAnother said...

So that's why you didn't show up for dinner yesterday...

Nina said...
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Nina said...

no, not at all :)